it’s nicer where I’m in my thoughts


by elarae


I am back in the botanical gardens of Belvedere palace

But it is close to winter with fog hanging low over the city so there is not much to see bloom

The colour scheme being all shades of brown, dotted with faded yellow of descended leaves, and the wood-green that braves the single number degrees of the seasonal changing temperature

Almost every little piece of nature in here has been named

Trees wear their name and origin and how old they are like delicate gold necklaces around their trunks

Signs sticking out from the ground where there’s nothing to see, but they kind of say come back in summer and maybe I will

Is it wrong to drift off for a moment, though I know I should just stay in the moment, and be one with nature

But the garden has gone to sleep for the most part, it seems just as confused as I am
So why shouldn’t I be allowed to slip into a dream of the dozing big garden

I dream we are kissing under that one big tree, that like none of the others is still full of leaves, which wear the colour of a sunset we never got to see

I see us swaying without music playing

Luckily we have a repertoire in our heads

I should go back to the now but it’s nicer where I am in my thoughts right now

But regardless, I check the time, I see the same symmetric numbers every single day again and again

And if it is true that that means anything, some kind of auspicious sign, I want to believe in it just for the sake of my dream

I look around and it feels cold and lonely but I also feel hope like that one real embrace I long for is just around the corner

Some leaves still hanging on are giving up right in front of me and while they float down they make sure to assure me

That it’s only a few more months until the heat will be rising again and the mud will dry up and get washed away by balmy springtide rain

And for some undefinable reason I know that you will come dream again and as well in the gardens that made us fall for each other on the first day of spring 


© elarae 2023-09-01

Novels & Stories