Kiss and tell

Milna Hyder Ali

by Milna Hyder Ali


Do you remember what your first kiss was like? Well, I do. It was slobbery and on Lolo’s cheeks. She was over the moon and Papa looked like a hurt puppy. Over time, my ‘kisses’ turned into bites. I think they hurt Lolo, because she would smile, but also wince a little when I leaned toward her. The bites then improved, and I began to give proper kisses. This time, I included Papa too. But I treated my kisses like precious jewels. I would give them if, and only if, I really really felt like it. And that didn’t happen very often. One night, I was on Papa’s lap and we were watching TV. Out of nowhere I was seized by a surge of love so strong for him, I simply HAD to kiss him. So I turned around to face Papa and, before his astonished eyes, gave him a nice, deep kiss smack on his lips. Satisfied, I turned back to the TV, while Papa was left blinking. If I got a penny for every time I got kissed, I’d be a baby millionaire. No, really. First thing in the morning, when I’m dropped at and picked up from kindergarten, before bed, while I’m having my milk, even when I’m watching TV or playing – soft kisses are planted on my head and cheeks and face. I like being kissed, though I’m not as crazy about their’s as my parents are about mine. I don’t like Papa’s kisses a lot, if I’m being honest. I know that sounds like a terrible thing to say, but his kisses are prickly! I make it a point to push him away when he attempts to give me one, and they always have a good laugh when I do that. Last September, Mumsie and Grampa (maternal grandparents) and Koko and her husband (Aunt and Uncle) had all come over for a couple of weeks to our place. The last time they had seen me, I was just 6 months old and pretty boring (albeit cute). I was a lot older this time around and charmed the pants off them. Again. Their favourite activity as a family was to collect kisses from me every night, right before my bedtime. It was like paying toll for me. They’d all clamour around me, begging to be kissed. I rather liked the attention and would throw my head back and laugh seeing their pitiful, hopeful, eager faces. It was more or less like a competition. Koko (Lolo’s sister) is a sneaky rat. When it was her turn she’d always scream, ‘One more! One more!’ until I had exhausted my quota of kisses on her alone, and the rest of them would be left sulking having got no kisses at all. My kisses are very limited edition, you see. So imagine their surprise when I kissed a total stranger! Allow me to explain. It was a gloriously sunny day and after lots of roaming around, I was very hungry indeed. We spotted a nice cosy CafĂ© with glass doors and made a beeline for it. But the lady inside gestured that they were closed. The rest of them sighed and began to walk away. But not I. I wanted food. Pronto. So I pushed my hands and face against the glass doors and stared inside with my best puppy dog expression. It worked! CafĂ© Lady’s eyes went awww and she threw open the doors, ushering us inside. She then swooped me up and took me to the pastry display case, asking me which one I wanted. I pointed at the chocolate muffin. ‘Can I have a kiss first?’, asked CafĂ© Lady. I didn’t even stop to think. If a kiss was the price for that delicious looking muffin, I’d pay it. I puckered up and gave her a nice kiss on the cheek. She gasped and kissed me right back. As for Lolo and Papa, Mumsie and Grampa, Koko and Uncle, their jaws dropped in unison. ‘He has never EVER done that before!!’, they explained the kind woman, who couldn’t stop beaming. I think I may have been the best part of her day.

© Milna Hyder Ali 2024-03-09

Humor & Satire