The curse of meet cute is that it will never happen when you expected it, Sarah knows that. But now, every time she looks at another Asian man, she tries to remember his face. After a month everything got fuzzy, for someone who can’t remember faces like her, she really think that Samuel L. Jackson and Morgan Freeman, is the same person. But on her defense, she knows what Nelson Mandela looked like, vaguely. But there is no one wears a leather jacket on the freezing winter like he is, no one walks with just enough rizz, to not look arrogant but enough to make them feels like they understand everything about the whole world. She wished her boyfriend could read her mind, so he could get jealous a little, so her relationship doesn’t feel like a routine that she takes a lot of part of in planning it. Cause other than time consuming, everything with him becomes boring.
Today, on the train she tries a game of which Asian male looks cooler with him, only to get a usual sigh and short comment on how any Asian man can try to look to the ten, but the Asian woken only falls in love with a white guy. Usually, hearing something like that she would just tease him with a challenge of finding asian female to date, but today, she could clearly see his world as a white man. She doesn’t speak a word to him until they arrive in Köln Hbf, she walks two paces in front of him, wishing a little that he would catch up with her, grabs her hand gently and show that he understands that he was an asshole. But of course, that occurance happens rarely for a man, that is white, has blue eyes and in finance.
“Sarah, finally!” a shriek coming from behind her. “Are you in a hurry? You are too fast!” From him, a complaint sounds sympathetic, that it makes no one would dare the complainer. But of course, another curse of meet cute is that it sometimes happens in the worst possible way. Like when your boyfriend grabs your hand in front of the crush that you’ve been dream of the past week. “Warum bist du von emirweggelaufen?”
She yanks off his hand and use that one phrase that every German has to avoid giving second hand embrassment to the people surrounding her… “Alles gut!” Quickly she puts on her fake smile because she knows that it’s acceptable for him to move on with his life. He is back with his phone and she goes back where Budi socially distancing himself from her awkward situation.
“Hey, Buddy! I hope you have my umbrella now!” she tries her hardest to bring her happy go lucky voice around.
“Only if you pronounce my name correctly!” Attach to her umbrella is a small hamper full of snacks from Indonesia, below that he puts down his number if you ever need a refill, you can WhatsApp me at +628910263197.
© Azmi Hoffmann 2024-08-31