You say labels confuse you.
It’s true, there are quite a few.
Some people might use one
but with one, others are not yet done.
Just ask completely plain.
We would like to explain.
And if we use a word
that you have never heard,
just ask again
until you comprehend.
If you get something wrong
it won’t take long,
for us to tell you
and talk it through.
We only get offended
if the wrong use was intended.
Then you being our friend
might come to an end.
But if your intentions were good
it will be understood.
One mistake
is something everyone can make.
So this is my advice:
If asking once does not suffice,
just ask twice.
And if it doesn’t feel precise
after asking twice,
just ask thrice.
© Celina Schaller 2023-12-11