Life is served


by Krimpi


Where and when it begins we cannot decide

Once served, we are too little to run, neither can we hide

It is served as a set menu

With no menu card for preview

The menu is made of time and place and ancestry, seasoned with a warm welcome or a hot dispute

None of it we have had a hand in or did contribute

For some it will be kind of a wishing well

Others might experience it as hell

It is like a lucky draw

Some are fortunate and some pull the short straw

Everybody is dreaming of a place in the sun

But being born in such a place often means you have to run

It is often astounding how far imagination can be from reality

Just because there are so many things we cannot see

Questioning what is going on makes us understand very soon

There is no dark side of the moon

From our perspective we always see the moon’s same side

Nourishing our assumption darkness would the backside hide

Understanding what we perceive might not always be all embracing true

Take a glass of water, it looks clear, still the oceans appear blue

We have to start with what we are being given

After that it’s motivation and curiosity driven

We decide what to neglect or what to fond

Sometimes it needs a change of perspective to see what lies beyond

We can stay curious and question whether that is true what we see

Or we can say ‘it is as it is and always was, so let it be’

The Planet Earth we live on has been given

But the world we build on it is human driven

It might seem good for some but not so good for others

There is enough for all of us, the imbalance it is that bothers

© Krimpi 2023-03-27
