Like Light and Dark (by Miriam & Erich)- 15

Miriam Laschenko

by Miriam Laschenko


Crystalline couldn’t believe her eyes. The paper was completely empty! The oily ink which had formed the map of her Queendom, the Duchessdom of Dexomir and the Kingdom of Rojo had vanished without a trace. The Queen’s astonishment made the spymaster smile even more broadly. “What? How is this possible?” the young elven Queen exclaimed.

“My agents use a particular spell called “Mind Ink” that allows them to transfer their thoughts and perceptions right onto this parchment. Everything you see on here was once shared with me by an agent via this spell and can only be unlocked by my will. When I prohibit access to the parchment, nothing is visible and cannot be made visible by any other means. Not even through my death, haha!”, Dimir chuckled and winked. “It is a very indivual tool that I developed together with the best of the best after decades of studying telepathy and shadow magic. I am quite proud of this invention, as you can imagine! Not even my master Vlad would have thought this was possible! Now it is my commitment to use this tool for the highest good of our Queendom and the lands surrounding us.”

“Wow!”, Crystalline said with her mouth wide open, suddenly seeing the creepy magician in a different light. Perhaps he was a genius. “This is brilliant! Very sophisticated, Dimir!”

“Such a wonderful idea, Dimir!”, the Mistress of Voices agreed, clapping her hands. She had been listening and watching the whole interaction in awe and tried her best to keep silent – until now.

The Master of Eyes laughed: “Well, only the best is worthy of this lineage! I am glad you are pleased.” The Master of Eyes nodded smugly and continued: “Besides, everyone I am planning to involve in revealing evidence about the Rojo brothers has their own strong reasons to keep silent about our assistance. People have suffered enough under the hands of the princes and are yearning for a change! If we keep them safe and guarded from the Rojos, they will no longer hesitate to share with the king what actually happened to them.”

“And you will really manage to keep them all safe?” Crystalline doubted that, holding her arms crossed.

As if on cue, Dimir leaned back and two figures jumped out of the shadowy corners of the room with lightning speed. Not even a blink of an eye later, Dimir had two dark elves grabbing him by the shoulders, their curved knives inches away from his throat, ready to cut it at a moment’s notice. “Convinced?”, he smiled.

© Miriam Laschenko 2024-06-06

Science Fiction & Fantasy
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