Like Light and Dark (by Miriam & Erich) – 18

Miriam Laschenko

by Miriam Laschenko


We need to help them!, Crystalline realised. But before saying it out loud and starting further discussions, she wanted to hear the perspective of her counselor: “Eccart, Master of Shields, what is your preferred strategy in this case? Do you think we should answer their call for aid?”

“No, no, no! On the contrary, I suggest that we use the snow elves as a buffer to thin out the barbarian hordes and finish off what little remains of these big, blockheaded, barbarian brutes once they reach our northern borders!”

There was a moment of silence – the whole court was speechless, aghast. Especially Lyanne, the Mistress of Voices, seemed to be utterly horrified by his proposal, blinking at him with a blank expression, searching for the right words to express her bewilderment. Crystalline herself was extremely disillusioned by his suggestion. How could he even say that? Not only was he asking her to forsake and betray her own line of ancestry, he was willing to throw a whole race to the wolves just to buy the Valley some time. THAT was bloody heartless. Not even Dimir would ever go this far, she believed! And even if it hadn’t been her own race, she would find the thought to be appalling and completely exaggerated. Besides, after having seen them in her dreams, she needed to find out more about her personal connection to the snow elves of the North and what her role was going to be in all of this… Huh! Örlög! I still need to talk to the High Priest! And we have to save our cousins!

Definitely not!“, Crystalline responded resolutely. “I will not let that happen. The snow elves deserve our support. After all, we have the same origin, the same roots, which means we are connected and they are like our brothers and sisters. I will not maroon my own kin!”

“Ha! Our kin? They are NOT our kin. And they haven’t been in a long time. Your grandfather cut ties with them in order to build the empire we are living in now. So you would betray your family by going back to those primitive, pit-dwelling, pathetic pipsqueaks!”, Eccart raised his voice. “Also, do you really want to see OUR people dying pointlessly in the harsh snow storms of the North? Nah, if you ask me, we shall not move one finger for them. Additionally, if we let them fall, we can re-establish our control of the Northern lands! We could considerably expand our realm, finally uniting the Valley and the Mountains!”

Crystalline couldn’t believe what she just heard. Shocked and enraged, it felt like her heart was breaking a little bit. “Eccart, I am aghast. Are aware of what you’re saying? Why let them die, if we can work together instead?! I have no intention of conquering the North! I would never entertain the idea of doing that! We can live and collaborate together with the snow elves peacefully by strengthening our connection! And we could take the first step by joining our forces against the barbarians. That is what I want to do.”

© Miriam Laschenko 2024-06-11

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Abenteuerlich, Herausfordernd, Emotional, Reflektierend, Challenging