Like light and dark (by Miriam and Erich)

Miriam Laschenko

by Miriam Laschenko


Crystalline was dreaming. Her bare feet left elegant footprints in the bright white snow. Night was already falling upon the mountains surrounding her, turning the skies grey. She was still young at the time, only a child. A little girl with long, white, braided hair, wearing a blue winter cloak to keep herself warm against the icy cold of the north. Snowflakes were dancing around her, landing softly upon her cheeks every once in a while. She could not see the stars above, too thick were the layers of gray clouds. But the full moon was shining through dimly, rarely peeking out of its hideout. Endless seemed the snowy landscape stretching before her and Crystalline could not wait to explore it all. Only the cold and the darkness lurking behind the cliffs threatened her sense of serenity.

“Brr! It’s quite chilly out here”, she whispered almost inaudibly, releasing a cloud of breath. Her hands were freezing! No way that she could keep going like this much longer. Why didn’t she remember to dream up some gloves?! “Come on, brain! Please do something about this!”

No gloves appeared, so Crystalline had to resort to the classical method of rubbing her hands together, as fiercely and quickly as her numbing fingers allowed her to. “Why doesn’t this help at all?”, she wondered and looked at her hands in disbelief. Then everything got even stranger. The places she had rubbed, suddenly began to glow. Before she knew what was happening, from both of her hands a column of light emerged, splitting the clouds open and revealing the sky beyond it. Rainbow light poured through the crack and whirled around her, making her feel dizzy. Faster and faster it spun until the colours merged into a single white arrow of light that was pointing into the distance, where a grumbling sound was coming from.

“WOW!”, Crystalline shouted in awe the moment she saw her: a young woman riding a huge polar bear appeared out of the whiteness. The rider looked wild and gorgeous and majestic and fierce, all at the same time. As if aeons of life were flowing through her. Two tails of black hair framing a tanned face that was adorned with precious, sparkling gems and red warpaint alike. Her eyes seemed like they were made of ice and fire and all the colours of the rainbow were reflected through them in a prism of love.

© Miriam Laschenko 2024-02-26

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Abenteuerlich, Emotional, Mysteriös, Reflektierend