Long And Lonely Nights

Isabel Pankonin

by Isabel Pankonin


The loneliness of the moon

Everyone is talking about how lonely the moon must be. But who are we to judge about such things? The moon is shining for us night by night, year by year. However, not by himself. The moon is accompanied by the sun, to be precise by its brightness and warmth. The moon is shining because the sun wants it that way. Even tho they never met and never will. But in fact, the moon is just a plain, cold and meagre place. It never felt the light and warmth of the sun and never will. And that is the greatest pain I have ever known.

Human heart

Our heart is a remarkable thing, don’t you think? In our lifetime we break it a dozen times and yet it recovers and fulfils its purpose, but can our mind? What is it that one’s heart truly desires? What is it that it’s longing for?


Once you’ve been hurt so many times, you become addicted to the pressure in your chest. To the feeling that is devouring your soul and ripping your heart apart. The addiction to pain is quite scary when you think about it. I end up hurting myself more and more, because I am so used to it. I don’t know any different any more. You are always the cruellest thing to yourself.


To love is to conquer one another’s fortresses. Fortresses with huge brick walls and thorn hedges around them. To hide away and protect one’s most precious thing. The heart. How massive is your wall? How much are you willing to fight to break someone’s walls?


Every day when I lie in bed and think about my day, I ask myself: Is it worth it, is it worth fighting for? Am I living in a fantasy world? Am I able to live the life I want to? Giving so much for something, I don’t even know if it’s worth it. Day by day. But I don’t know any other purpose in my life. I don’t know what else I can do other than continue doing what I already do. I don’t know how to break my chains and live without exhaustion.

© Isabel Pankonin 2023-11-25

Novels & Stories, Anthologies
Emotional, Reflektierend, Dark, Inspiring, Sad