
Isabel Kanczer

by Isabel Kanczer

home 2024

oh, what a surprise 

i need to follow the rules of the game 

isn‘t it nice 

how it‘s repeating the same 

shit always and always again

my efforts in vain 

my hopes meaningless 

my destiny bitterness 

it’s ridiculous to think

i might be winning

and since the beginning

this game is driving me to the brink

of madness, of insanity

oh, the agony

loaded dice, open cards

me, the fool of hearts

nothing but a pawn upon a board 

trying to find some meaning 

while being played by someone bored 

the rules are never changing

and without my strength and will 

i don’t see the need to carry on

and i don’t think i will

until one day, im gone

© Isabel Kanczer 2024-03-09

Novels & Stories
Emotional, Dark, Sad, Reflective