He always brings me a bouquet when my room runs out of roses
Won’t be able to move once he falls onto his knee and proposes
Loved me when all I could do was hate my destiny and life
Kept me from drowning and loved my soul when it was barely alive
Grabbed my hand when I was lost in the darkest of all nights
I knew it once I didn’t look up to the sky to see all the lights
Every night we took a walk he talked about cosmology
Pinky promised to love me without getting all of me
Yet what he promised that night was overwhelmed by his lust
I gave him every inch of my soul and heart and of my dying trust
He loves danger, he doesn’t realize he’s walking on a breakable threat
I was fully committed to the darkness luring inside his head
I am still a child, and I am still young and naive
But in my darkest moments I still find the strength to believe
Please apologize, please hold me close and say sorry
Please never let me go and take care of all that I might worry
Let me forgive myself and don’t cut off my wings
Help me not forget all the beautiful and lovely little things
Please never do it again, please never pinky promise again
Please take away my regrets, I can no longer live with them
No matter what happens I will always carry him home
No matter what happens I don’t ever want him to cry alone
© Evelyn Weidner 2023-06-07