Loving across all spectrums

Adriana Csik

by Adriana Csik


Love that dazzles

The first thing I felt when I saw you were fireworks. Colorful sparks of desire exploded in my belly and the promise of something about to happen hung in the air between us, like a kaleidoscope manipulating light and reflection and creating fascinating patterns only visible to us. I felt the anticipation in a rush of adrenaline that went cursing through my veins, spreading through my body until every sensory nerve felt electrically charged. I had to steady myself, so I reached for your arm. The instant we touched the static current intensified sending little electric shocks through my nervous system. Our eyes locked, and I could tell by the way they expanded in surprise that you were feeling it too.

All through the night, our hearts beat like drums, a vibrant rhythm matching the fireworks lighting up the warm summer sky. You took my hand in yours, and we walked into the starry night with the certainty that our souls had recognized an old friend. Knowing that our future would begin come dawn.

Love that heals

Love that heals feels like a gentle breeze that washes over me with ease. It does not set off sparks that illuminate the darkness through an explosion of fireworks, but is a steady flame that guides me through the rain and alleviates my pain. It is the kind of love that has the power to heal old wounds and tend to past scars of the heart and mind and feels like a soothing balm that’s warm and kind. When we find someone who loves us for who we are, unconditionally and undoubtedly, it brings a peace that stills the soul, a safe haven where we feel whole. A place where we belong because, finally, we’ve reached home.

Love that lasts forever, A wedding speech

You both fell in love with someone who is your calm place in a chaotic world. Someone who builds your restless heart a safe place within their own. The person who is both your soulmate and your home. 

Home. That place where we can remove the protective mask we wear to protect us from the world and its suspicious coldness with daring boldness. It is the spot where we can express our love and tenderness freely and fearlessly, without any sensation of awkwardness or discomfort. It is a place of confidence through honest communication of our full and confiding hearts. 

It is where the rest of your life side by side will start. Robin knew and took his love for Lara as a sign, to call the best thing that had happened to him forever ‘mine’. As you jointly embark on your tomorrow, let me finish off with a little advice I borrowed: ‘Love is a vessel that contains both security and adventure. And commitment offers one of the great luxuries of life: time’. 

I wish you all the time in the world to enjoy your beautiful love story and truth be told, I can’t wait to stand by your side to see it unfold.

© Adriana Csik 2023-08-08

Novels & Stories
Emotional, Hoffnungsvoll, Inspirierend, Reflektierend