The worst isn’t that I want you
Or that we actually exist
What’s wrong the most is my belief I’d be fine without you
What’s wrong the most is your silence
What’s wrong the most is your denial of doing something
What’s wrong the most is my pain
I was Barbie to people before
But never found someone
I wanted to be my Ken, now I did, I met you
I’ve never been Bonnie
But with you I found my Clyde
We commit crimes and so we hide
I had eyes on me before, had hands on me
But I want yours, no one else’s
I had interest in someone else before
Now you’re all that I want
In ways I never did before
Though I did fancy you long before you knew
I’m your Barbie, your Bonnie, I’m yours, just yours
I have to let go of the fear
For it’s not mine
To decide what will happen
Who will stay and who will not
It’s not in my power
To know and dictate other people’s words and actions
Only thing inside my power range is me
I am who I can decide over
How I feel, how I let others make me feel
Who I want or not
I am in my power and nothing else is
© Cecilia Wildflower 2024-09-11