Magical Neverland : Part 12


by AmberNila


Time in Neverland was still fun, and I couldn’t feel any danger from the fairies that everyone warned me about. Until that very day. I was out with my dragon Kirby as always when I heard a rustling sound. Footsteps cracked tiny branches as she walked closer to us. I first saw her boots, a twinkling tattoo winding its way up her tanned skin to her hip. She was wearing a crop top and black leather shorts. With fierce hazel eyes she shot me an aggressive look. A devilish smile showed on her face. Her style was finished off by straight dark shoulder-length hair. She examined me from head to toe:

  • “Another Darling girl. I see you have the boy wrapped around your finger.”
  • “I am not dealing with Peter’s lost lovers.”
  • She hissed: “I am not talking about him.”
  • Uh, so that must be Caleb’s ex-girlfriend. He told me he dated a fairy. “What are you up to?”
  • She said aggressively: “I am collecting what is mine!”
  • “Are we talking about the dragon, or Caleb?” I said, amused. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to tease her.
  • She grumped: “Don’t play with fire, you might get burned.” She tried to instruct Kirby to come with her, but he didn’t listen.
  • “He won’t come with you.”
  • “Maybe the other dragons will convince him.”
  • “Hm, can’t wait to see them landing here, in the dense forest.”
  • “Then they will burn it down.”
  • “Those leaves don’t burn. Even I know that.”
  • “That’s it!” She said while pressing her teeth together and violently grabbing both of my wrists. “Just a little reminder that you can’t hide forever.” And by that, she burned my skin, leaving a mark like a bracelet.

As soon as I began to scream, Kirby attacked her by biting her leg. She quickly let go of me, but Kirby still held on to her ankle. The forest ground started to steam, and the river next to us was boiling. I called him off and we ran away. Maybe the heat didn’t bother him, but it surely wasn’t nice for me. I climbed on his shoulder as he ran back to the camp. Back there my first go-to was Stuart. He needed to help me with that injury. Peter and Caleb were screaming questions at me, but I really didn’t listen. The pain overspread it all. I saw my skin lifting up, like it would fall off my body any minute. It hurt so bad.

  • Stuart: “Holy moly, what did you do now?”
  • Maja: “Just do something, quick!” Kirby was waiting with me, only making Stuart more nervous, I guess.
  • Peter: “Uh, you must have met a fairy. Damn it, I shouldn’t have let you out of sight.”
  • Maja: “It was the fire fairy, your ex-girlfriend, I assume?” I said, talking to Caleb, who was nervously pulling his lower lip while standing with arms crossed. 
  • Peter: “What did she say?”
  • Maja: “She was furious and… .”
  • Stuart: “Caleb obviously likes girls with a temper.” Stuart interrupted me.
  • Peter: “Why was she so mad?”
  • Maja: “Because of Kirby, she wanted to collect her dragon.”

© AmberNila 2024-06-15

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