Magical Neverland : Part 13


by AmberNila

  • Noah: “So you must be Peter’s latest model. I must say he has an undeniably good taste in girls.”
  • Maja: “If you wanted to score with me, you shouldn’t have caged my dragon.”
  • Noah: “If we get along, I might set him free.” He said, trying to win me over. I just shot him an angry look. “To get by, you sometimes have to play rough. You have no idea what it’s like.”
  • I tried to undo the chains, knowing there was no point. “Oh really, please tell me all about your miserable life.”
  • Noah: “As a child…” He started. Wait, was he actually telling me his story from scratch?! “My mother left me, she just didn’t care.” Were some phrases I caught, but I didn’t really listen. I was still scanning the sky for Peter.
  • Maja: “Doesn’t sound that bad to me.”
  • Noah: “Did you listen at all?”
  • Maja: “Yes, well, no, not to all of it, but: Your mother leaving you? I am actually jealous! My mother hurt me more than any fire-spitting, biting, violent dragon ever could. She is the kind of creature that tears your soul apart. I would have wished for her to never exist in my life.” That was a real shocker even for him. He called me a spoiled girl the other day and probably didn’t expect to be wrong. “You see, we all have our past. But it looks like we made it without them.”
  • Noah: “Thanks to the woman that took me in. If I hadn’t had Phoebe, who knows what would have happened to me.”
  • Maja: “Phoebe?!” That got my attention.
  • Noah: “Yes, she raised me.”
  • Maja: “What Phoebe? What does she look like? Does she have long, reddish hair, like me?” Why did he smile like that?
  • Noah: “No reason to be jealous, Gorgeous. Hugh, I get what Peter sees in you. You are of elementary beauty. Those ocean blue eyes with that spark of fire in them. You have that lively spirit. And your hair, it’s just beautiful how it plays in the wind, showing off its red sparkles. You are by far the most beautiful girl that has ever walked this island.” He said while wandering with his hands from my face to the ends of my hair.
  • Peter: “Hands off, Noah! You are better not fooling around with her!”
  • Maja: “Finally you are here!”
  • Noah: “Yay, Peter Pan is here to ruin the mood.”
  • Maja: “What mood? I wasn’t flirting with you.”
  • Noah: “Sure you must say that now.” He said while tilting his head in Peter’s direction.
  • Peter: “Oh please, that’s disgusting.” He got me out of the chains and advised me to go, he would follow with Kirby.
  • Maja: “Well wait. He told me about Phoebe.” I had to ask now, that was my only chance to get information. “Tell me, or I stay and ask him. We talked about being honest, remember?” Peter exhaled, and I could see his thoughts running wild.

© AmberNila 2024-06-15

Novels & Stories
Emotional, Komisch, Angespannt, Adventurous