Magical Neverland : Part 15


by AmberNila

  • Caleb: “You need to leave before the fairies get you.”
  • Maja: “What do they want from me?”
  • Caleb: “Okay about Wendy. I don’t know what Peter told you, but if he told you the truth, you wouldn’t be so chilled. So, are you ready for your whole world to be changed?”
  • Maja: “Yes, tell me!” I begged.
  • Caleb: “Alright. I’ll skip the whole island’s history. The point is: magic is endless. So, this island found itself losing power. When Wendy annoyed everyone with her cult for Peter, the fairies thought: ‘What can possibly be more magical than love?’ They used Wendy’s love for Peter as their new source of power. She has been bound to this island ever since. See, she isn’t crazy. She actually sees Neverland. Her mind is connected to this place. That’s why she fantasizes about it.”

Oh my. So all she said about Neverland was true. She was still living here, mentally. While her physical body, her other self, was living in total misery. She has been tied up, for trying to jump out the windows – to fly. She screamed the names of strangers, everyone thought she had made them up. All those pills made her fade away, unable to move, or eat. I remembered her drooling, mumbling, completely losing her senses, so she had to be fed by a stomach tube. Everyone turned away from her, the insane old granny. She got totally lost in an alternate reality. All her miserable life she was misunderstood. She wasted her whole life. Caleb went on while my thoughts went wild:

  • Caleb: “They cursed your family to always bear a girl, who would hopefully fall in love with Peter, so the magic never stops. It didn’t work with Phoebe, she didn’t love him. And your mother, well, we all know she is not capable of that feeling.” He paused and swallowed. “See, Wendy is… more than 90 years old now. When she dies, so does the magic. There is no time for you to grow up, have a child, and that child becoming of age. It has to be you.”

I was gasping for fresh air, even though I was outside. My face made expressions that actually hurt. I was trying to stretch the fabrics around my neck, my throat felt like it was getting tighter and tighter. I didn’t know whether to sit down, walk or keep standing. That was too much to take. “Does Peter know about this?” And Caleb answered: “Why do you think he brought you here?” I whined, breathing heavily in and out: “I thought he brought me here to save me and for love. I am so stupid!” Really, I knew he was too good to be true! “Wendy is miserable! I saw her day in and out! I always thought her life was not worth living! It’s worse than death! No one can help her, no one understands her! She is all alone! That’s what awaits me?” Caleb did somehow manage to stop me from hyperventilating. “He got me trapped!” I said, holding my head; it was boiling. Caleb wondered: “Just out of curiosity, what did he tell you?” And I answered: “He told me, that Wendy thought this love was so great, she wanted all her female relatives to experience the same thing. That’s why he kept visiting. To teach us true love.”

© AmberNila 2024-06-15

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