Magical Neverland : Part 2


by AmberNila


So I didn’t let go of the topic: “But I also read fairytales that aren’t real. What’s the difference? Both are made-up stories.” “Sweetie, great-grandma doesn’t think it’s made-up. She believes that her dreams are reality. It’s not healthy, and I certainly don’t want you to see her like that. It’s very sad, right.” Mother surely didn’t want me to answer. The term “Sweetie” is only used by her when she is exhausted from talking to me. Still, I couldn’t stop arguing. “Great-grandma has a point, though. I mean, it is weird that it runs in our family that there is always exactly one child born, always a girl. Also, every Darling woman ends up getting divorced or being unable to have a committed relationship. Some things are so weird; how else would you explain them?” I saw the horror in her eyes. Did I hit a mark? Then her expression changed to the usual resigned look. “Great-grandmother never got over losing her daughter. It drove her mad; she failed, and she has been lost ever since. Don’t you ever consider her a role model nor take her opinion as truth. I am your mother, you’ll pay attention to what I think is best for you, not to some old nutcase, whose brain is degenerating because of her old age with mental disorders on top. You are a child. You have no idea about life.” Damn, she knew how to end everyone. If this were a fairytale, she would surely be the evil beast. I wasn’t shocked, because that’s how every fight about this topic ended: with grandma Phoebe, who disappeared after giving birth to my mother, and no one has ever heard of her ever since. Mentioning her was a real downer, that shushed everyone immediately. Great-grandma was obviously crushed by losing her only child. She did the best she could, raising my mother as her own. Mother never gave her any credit for it. I never witnessed a kind interaction between them. Sure, she must have felt left behind, but she was still raised warmly. I admit, it must have been hard, though. Did that turn her into the furious monster she is now? I tried to be understanding, but all that drama was certainly a little too much for a girl my age. I wasn’t a child, even though mother always called me that. I was just finding my way and I would like to believe in the fantasy world Wendy told me about. It was better than the dark reality. Sometimes we all need a little magic to get through the day, don’t we? I liked sliding away into a different, better and nicer world with miracles to enjoy. But I kept wondering, will all the mysteries of our family ever be cleared up? What on earth has happened to grandma Phoebe? Is mother really a heartless maneater, or is there something deeper she doesn’t tell? And most importantly, could that Peter guy be true? On the one hand, someone that perfect could never exist, but on the other hand: could someone have so much imagination to make him up? Even an old woman whose brain is degenerating? (Not my words.) I was sure to find out.

© AmberNila 2024-06-14

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