Magical Neverland : Part 5


by AmberNila


Emerald green eyes, the kind you can lose yourself in. He was sitting right in my spot: Mr. Perfect Face. I gasped when I began to see the rest of the silhouette. There was a stranger sitting in front of me, probably a criminal, since he seemed to have gotten inside through the window. But could someone bad really look that good? He had that boyish look, that I found so charming. There are no words to describe him. I tried to pull myself together while studying practically every inch of his body. You could tell that he worked out. The moonlight drew perfect attention to his well-trained arm muscles, which showed underneath his olive green shirt. He rested his elbows on his legs. My gaze went down his washed-out jeans to his hip trainers. I went back, keeping my eyes on his. They were captivating. I could only tear away from them to stare at his rich brown hair. I noticed his smile, which lit up the whole room. Oh dear, I was staring at him way too long! That must have been the reason he looked so entertained.
He probably wasn’t a criminal, but what was he doing here? Oh sure… there could be only one explanation. “My mother’s room is across the hall, a few doors left.” I pointed over my shoulder. “No, thanks. Been there, done that.” He said, staring at the ground in horror while shaking his head: “What are you doing here?” What I was doing here? I could ask the very same thing, but I was too shy to question him. “I usually sit at the windowsill, watch the stars, enjoy the breeze.” I kept my answers short. I was alone with a handsome-as-hell guy, in a dark room, who knew my mother and, based on previous experiences with boys like that, I had a billion reasons to be suspicious.

“Why don’t you sit down?” I wasn’t sure. “And tell me why you sneak into a storage room just to look out a window.” “Ehm, I appreciate it since my room doesn’t have one.”  “That is a big-ass house, why do you have to stay in the only room without a window? “I know, right?” I said while sitting down next to him. Oh, wait, I wanted to keep my distance and now I am sitting exactly where he wanted me to be. He realized that too and a winning smile showed on his face.

“She doesn’t really care, does she? Of course, you would sneak out, so where is the point?” “Oh no, she locks me in.” He stared back at me a little shocked. “Oh, I say that as if it was normal. Well, to me it is.” “How did you get out?” “It’s easy. I use a hairpin to unlock the door.” His grin just got wider. “Petty crime, I like that! Where did you get these skills from?” He had this infectious laugh that quickly made me feel comfortable. “I learned it via a tutorial on the internet. By the way, a second ago, I assumed you were the criminal! I mean, you climbed through the window.” “Not exactly. But back to you.” He was very into the conversation now, he shifted his body towards me and his face came closer to mine. Even this close, he looked flawless, his eyes were so intense it was hard to focus. “So she has no idea you trick her day in and out?” “No.” “She tried so hard to keep you away from this. But her little plan didn’t quite work, and I just love that! I wish I could see her face when she finds out.” He said, picturing it. “No, she can’t find out. I can’t give up that little piece of secret freedom I have.” “Don’t you worry. I’ve got this. I can get you out of here.”

© AmberNila 2024-03-12

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