Magical Neverland : Part 9


by AmberNila

  • Maja: “Thank you.”
  • Peter: “I am not done yet.” he smiled.
  • Maja: “No, I mean, thanks for getting me out of the water. I was so naive. I should have seen it coming. They were too nice. I was just so amazed by the fact that they are mermaids.”
  • Peter: “Well, I wouldn’t call them mermaids, they are more like sirens. Just note, not all beautiful creatures around here have good intentions.”
  • Maja: “Then what about you?”
  • Peter: “I take that as a compliment.” He smirked.
  • I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks and quickly changed the topic: “How did you find me anyway?”
  • Peter: “I got called back to the camp and went off to find you, which wasn’t very difficult. I heard your voice, singing.” He grinned.
  • Maja: “Oh, great. You are always there for the embarrassing moments!”
  • He laughed: “Don’t be too hard on yourself.” He was still wrapping a bandage around my arm so that I soon resembled a mummy.
  • Maja: “The mermaids told me that there are also fairies here and that they ought to be the worst.”
  • Peter: “They are right about that.”
  • Maja: Really. Oh, I couldn’t even cope with the mermaids! I wonder how mother got along with them.. Did she run into their trap, too? Wait, now that I think about it, she must have adopted over-the-top friendliness with cruel intentions from the mermaids!”
  • Peter: “Actually, she mastered them. If you ever get in trouble with them again, just drop her name and they are gone. That’s just what I did! I threatened them to bring back Selena and off they swam!” He told his sarcastic story with great amusement. He cheered me up so easily. After a finishing touch he eyed his result and checked: “How are you feeling?” with some wide hand movements.
  • Maja: “I feel wrapped like a present.”
  • He smiled: “Good, exactly what I aimed for.”

He walked over to his equipment. Since his shirt was wet and cut, he suggested getting changed. “You are soaked, the walk back will be a while, so if you want to put on something dry?” He handed me over a fresh top and I asked myself where I should get changed? I didn’t want to get undressed in front of him, yet. No, I needed to stop thinking that. I glanced over to him, to check if he was looking, when I saw that he had taken off his shirt. Unfortunately, he was standing backwards. But, oh, he was turning around, opening up the perfect view of his extremely well-trained body. It wasn’t too much, just the perfect amount. His sun-kissed skin finished off his perfect beach-body-look. I couldn’t take my eyes off him when suddenly a hurtful pain in my foot stopped me. I fell down and when I opened my eyes, I realized what actually happened. I was quite far away from the stone I was sitting on before. I must have walked over. So Peter didn’t turn around. I walked around him! Oh damn, how do I find a believable explanation for that? I was so afraid to look up, but I had to. When I lifted my head, I stared into his wide grinning face. He offered me his hand saying: “Let me help you up.” He guarded me over to my stone and signaled me to sit down. “So here we go again.” he smiled.

© AmberNila 2024-03-12

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