by Wladimir
…I always was charmed by those words, dialog lines from a movie where the communication from capatin to captain hit a German/English wall, a very funny wall but potentially disastrous for some.
Let’s see if English efforts convert into readable stories, speak (sprich) if story telling will be effortless, speak (sprich): anstrendungsarm.
I, for my part, am excited! My brain is usued to scramble up seperate idioms into new and interesting words, sentences, paragraphs.
It happened involuntarely (without volunt!) while I lived in too many parts (of the world).
Often I shock my kinders into wild laughter with my metaphors, like, like ‘this is funny, my treasurelein, so funny, that you laugh till you have a hole in your belly’, it is really to soften stones (zum Steineerweichen).
The real funny thing jedoch is, that my stories are often much more fluid (wässrig?) in English, not so on stelts. More contemporary (mehr mitzeitig). Just that I sometimes use a German sentence-sample (Satzmuster). And on and off I miss words, vocaburary – in both languages I mean – and then I need to use a lot more words than neccessary in the first place, sounding like a Kindergartener (nicht Kindergärtner!)
ANYWAYS: I am really looking forward (Ich schau’ wirklich geradeaus)!!
Who will appear here – so now we are writing in Englisch?
Will we mix??
Will we mingle (mingeln?- auf Deutsch)?
Will we even befrucht (fruit-en) each other?
I am waiting for sure (auf der sicheren Seite), that the spelling/grammer – correction will work for English as well (so I don’t have to make too many jumps to a dictionary).
Soooo Loooong. See you later! (and don’t you answer like me the first time my neighbor said this harmless phrase: ‘No, sorry, got to make laundry now, but maybe tomorrow, if the weather allows…’)
© Wladimir 2021-04-21