My dears, I know I look frightful. I am feared amongst the animal kingdom and beyond. I can be deadly and vicious however, it is mainly to protect and survive. Yes, I demand respect and space, but I am also a fierce protector, healer, and transformer. I have my place in royal ranks, my image being on crowns of pharaohs and Goddess Sekhmet. Back in the day, humans knew of my power. They worked with me, not against.
I don’t demand worship, my dear. But I demand a few things if you want to work with me – devotion, discipline, openness, willingness, readiness, and respect. Devotion to yourself. Discipline to become the best version of you. Openness to transform. Willingness to change. Readiness to let go. Respect for me and, most importantly, for yourself. Because, my dear, you deserve respect. This life is not for the weak. You being here shows immense strength.
Shed your skin. I am sure you heard the saying “shed your skin”? Well, being a snake, I kind of perfected that, ha. For humans, it is a beautiful metaphor for letting go of old, outdated beliefs, energies, and emotions. That’s why I am coming through today. To invite you to shed your skin with me. To claim transformation and change, let go of whatever holds you back and step into a new era.
A quick word to my poison. Oh yes, it is deadly and useful. Think about your life, situations, and people. Is poison running through some veins? Do you have a poisonous tongue? Or others around you? Are there parts in your life that are poisonous or are being poisoned?
I am here as your reminder to embrace radical honesty.
Do you self-sabotage? Do you poison yourself in some way? If so, ask yourself why. Maybe because it stops you from doing anything. It keeps you in your comfort zone and keeps you small, safe and predictable. And while there certainly is a time to enjoy your comfort zone, to hang out a little, it is not your purpose to stay in it forever. And for that, you have to give yourself a little push sometimes.
I am the Cobra. I don’t like mediocrity. I might repel some people, and that is okay. I am not for everyone. But if you are still reading this message, if it resonates with you, even if only parts of it, that means you are ready. You are ready to bring change, fire, and transformation into your life. So, take a deep breath, my love.
Don’t be afraid. You are ready. You have been preparing for this moment. This moment of shedding your old skin, that got too tight and itchy, wanting to reveal what’s underneath. Even if it is raw. Even if it is vulnerable, new, and uncomfortable.
Say with me: I let go of all energies and emotions I no longer need.
I let go. I let go. I let go.
That’s all for today, my love. Just know that I am with you. I am so proud of you.
I love you.
© Christiane Schiefer 2024-03-02