Moak – Alien 110


by noizybutpurple


At the second corner of Third Street is a huge house. Everyone on Wakusai knows who lives there – Moak. He is a very huge alien, actually the biggest of them all, at least on Wakusai. He is famous for his height and because he was a big music star on Wakusai. One day, he noticed that something had changed. Because every time he listened to music, he started to grow. It got worse with time. Initially, it was only a few inches, but his growth spurts got increasingly intense over the years. So Moak started to stay away from all kinds of music. When his friends went to parties, he preferred staying at home. Once, he went with them, and he grew a full meter so that he crashed through the ceiling. These days he only sings occasionally, but it’s not the same without the music. Today is one of those days when Moak prefers to stay at home. He logs into the world wide virtual world and visits his favourite spot – a room without a sound. As he sits there for hours, he suddenly hears music tunes. He starts running because he doesn’t want to grow even more – he is already 5 meters high. But after a few seconds of running, he realizes: “Uhh? Why am I not growing? What is happening here?”. “Who is playing this music” Moak shouts. “I am”, a voice right behind him answers. “Who are you? Show yourself!” Moak demands and turns around. “Hi, I am Musemu. Nice to meet you”, says the small middle-aged alien in front of him. Although the alien was still a few meters away, Moak felt him shaking his hand. Moak is dumbfounded. His mind is racing. Why is he not growing? Why does he think of the other alien’s hand without touching it? Who is this alien? Is he finally getting crazy?” “Don’t worry. You aren’t getting crazy, Moak”, Musemu says. In fact, Musemu is the founder of a start-up in the music business. He invented a way to feel the music you hear. Furthermore, you don’t need headphones anymore for this kind of music because everyone can listen to the music in their heads. The best thing is that the system detects what kind of music you want to hear and automatically plays it. If you want to listen to another song or genre, just think about it. “Wow”, says Moak after Musemu finished his story. “Can I hear another song?” Of course, say the name of the song”, Musemu answers. It only took seconds for Moak to know which song he wanted to hear – it was one of Moak’s own songs. He immediately feels the heartbreak again he experienced after his first serious girlfriend broke up with him. But when the chorus starts, he also feels the hope he felt that time when everything worked out just fine. In the second part, he sings about how they became good friends and how their friendship grew to something special, and he starts to feel happy and blessed to have someone he can count on and who knows him so well. It is a song about accepting who you are and a tale about how love can grow into a dear friendship. The song ends with the words: “I loved you, but now I like you even more, and I am curious what the future holds for me”. Moak hasn’t felt that excited in years. But there was still one question: “Why am I not growing when I hear the music?” Even though I know your name and read your story in the newspapers, I don’t really know much else about your condition, so I don’t know why you are not growing anymore. But you inspired me to find another way to experience music so you can listen to it again. So what do you say? Do you want to team up?

© Marina Gröpel 2023-05-13

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Emotional, Hopeful, Reflective