Trees were twisting around each other weaving a thick forest in a twine of mystery and darkness. She was cold, the more she advanced inside the woods, the colder it was, but it was like something attracted her towards the centre of the forest, something she couldn’t explain. Despite it being a place wrapped in shadows, she found it comforting, it was like the darkness belonged to her, like a flow impossible to resist to. And she didn’t want to, she just wanted to know what was behind all of that, and she wasn’t afraid, in reality she had never been. She knew that what she would have found, would have freed her from the lies, more poisonous and contorted than the shrubs surrounding her. It was snowing, she had seen snow before, but never so beautiful, it was falling slowly and immaculate: a white rain in a black forest. Her hands and her feet were benumbed, but she had to go on: it was like finding oneself in a spell, she couldn’t abandon that feeling and go back. The more she advanced, the whiter the forest became tinged. At one point the trees stopped, and a frozen lake reflected the moonlight in front of her. She knew that what she was looking for, was there, inside that lake. She took her shoes off and moved cautiously on the ice in the middle of a blizzard, with her long white dress that waved about in the air. She looked like a nymph, like she had always belonged to that place. Once she was at the centre of the lake, she looked down, but the ice was too thick. She polished the iced layer, she went near with the face to the ice, and she saw him: there was someone trapped down there. Two eyes opened: they were blue like the abysses of the night. A hand fragmented the ice and took her by the hip, violently drawing her down into the depths of the lake. She woke up without air inside her lungs. She tried to calm herself, but she was scared. She hadn’t had those vivid dreams for a long time now. Why had they started again? Oh no, it was getting too late. She had to run to work again, otherwise this time it would be the end! Ten minutes, ten damned minutes, and she would arrive… but no! A carriage at full speed drenched her with mud, staining her uniform. “It is not possible! Idiots!” she screamed full of rage, yes, this time she was really done for. “You must forgive us young lady, the carriage is bringing a young Lord to the palace with urgency.” Responded the old man that was driving, stopping the horses. “I also must go there! I am the teacher of Juno’s granddaughters and at eight I must be there, otherwise she will fire me! Now I have to go back home and change, thank you very much!” “It won’t be necessary.” A boy came out of the carriage, a bit taller than her, with a long brown leather jacket, dark hair and dark deep eyes. He was really good-looking. “I have with me some clothes that might be your size, you can change in the carriage, and then we will bring you to the palace. Obviously, I will leave you the carriage empty so that you can dress. “Why so much regard?” Antigone was surprised. “The fault is mine, let a gentleman fix his mistakes, please. If you are quick, you can still arrive on time milady.” Antigone did as he said, even if she didn’t really trust the situation, she didn’t have another choice after all. Wow, the dress really fitted her! And what a coulour! It was a rare moss green. When she descended out of the carriage, the self-proclaimed gentleman commented with shyness: “Do you see? It is perfect for you…” “I must thank you, you saved me, after putting me in this mess first, literally, but you still saved me.” Both smiled and looked at each other for a moment. “Aidas, at your service.” Aidas… what a mysterious name.
© Amanda Mehmeti 2024-05-28