My Frigid Blood II

Theophilus Kofi Appiah

by Theophilus Kofi Appiah


For the hundredth time, Charlotte is arrogant and selfish, believing the whole world should kiss the ground she walks on. Occasionally, she is very insensitive to most of her peers, but she has this little care hidden in her. She would not tolerate the tiniest sarcasm from anyone about Eva. One time in the school’s cafeteria, one of the jocks inadvertently knocked Eva’s books onto the floor. Then, out of nowhere, Charlotte had her imaginary shield covering her. This term was widely known: If you mess with Eva, you mess with Charlotte, too, which no one dared because even the strongest jock, Billy, was no match for Charlotte.

Suddenly, Eva perceived the strange look on Charlotte’s face. She looked pale. >>What is wrong, Lotte? You look pale<< Eva asked worriedly.

>>The book! I can not find it<< Charlotte exclaimed. >>Which book, Lotte? Your diary?<< >>No, Eva<< >>Do not mention the physics assignment! Miss Grant will kill us if they are not handed over by tomorrow<< >>No, Eva!<< Charlotte shouted, agitated but focused on searching in her bag. 

>>The yearbook! I might have left it on my desk<< >>Really, Lotte!<< Eva snapped, sounding undoubtedly annoyed. >>If you do not escort me, I am happy to go alone<< Announcing her decision, Charlotte dashed onto the busy road with the cars closing her back view on Eva. Since Eva could not stop Charlotte, she went home to feed her groaning stomach. [Present day] Charlotte could conceal herself in one of the unlocked classrooms on the third floor. All that she could hear was the nearing footsteps. Initially, she thought the figure was a man, but the noisy heel said otherwise. Charlotte covered her mouth to avoid loud breathing as the noise became louder. Sweat constantly rolled down her cheeks. The cold wind through the slightly opened window could not even dry them. With every passing second, Charlotte felt the impending danger. The figure unfortunately joined her in the classroom, and its heel guided its way around. As it passed by the cupboard in which Charlotte was inside, the figure reached out her hand, intending to open the suspicious cupboard. Then bang! Coming from the end of the hall was a loud crash. Swiftly, the figure disappeared from the room to capture her target. Taking the distraction as her best opportunity to escape, Charlotte came out and sprinted left, in the opposite direction of the figure, to get to the main entrance. Except she was spotted by the figure, who was already on her way to where the sound emerged. It perused Charlotte effortlessly. Sadly, it caught up with Charlotte and pinned her down to the ground, injuring her in the process. The prey tried to defend herself, but in return, the figure yanked out a knife from her back pocket. The sight of the knife set Charlotte into panic mode, and when the cold knife pierced through her abdomen, she could only look into the eyes of her murderer and surrender. >>You!<<

© Theophilus Kofi Appiah 2023-08-30

Suspense & Horror