by Nika Pecirep
Hi my name is Nika Gónzalez López. I’m 18 years old and I live in Vienna. My dream was always too live in Barcelona. Today is finally the day my dream is coming true. I’m flying to Barcelona!,i said excited. I packed all of my stuff since I don’t want to waste money for many things. I drove to the airport,parked my car and checked-in. I kind of waited longer then I expected,but oh well! “Flight to Barcelona is now boarding at gate 3” That’s my flight!,I said happily. After 3 hours of flying from Vienna to Barcelona was not bad actually. I checked into my Hotel when I arrived in Barcelona and got all my stuff to my Airbnb. I went to a little café near my Airbnb. I accidentally crushed into this one guy. I didn’t know but I knew it was someone who was playing soccer. I gasped. I said: “oh I’m so sorry-“. Before I could finish my sentence he said: “mi hermosa it’s alright”. I blushed. I asked him if we could go to the cafe. “It’s the least I can do”,i said to him. After some time there were some girls waiting for the boy to go out. He said: “oh- I’m sorry- those are my fangirls”. He said nervous. I said: “hey it’s alright”,i smiled. After about 2 hours we both went together to the mall. We went to Nike,Sephora,Yves Saunt Laurent and many more. He asked me if he could have my number. I said of course. I went home and ate some berries. The next day I received a message from that boy from yesterday. I smiled. He said: “good morning mi amor,how are you today?”
I was shocked. I said:” I’m very good today thank you!”. I asked him what his name was since I was kind of shy. He said:” my name is Pablo Martín Paez Gavirá,and yours”?. My name is Nika Pecirep. After a little talk we met up at the Camp Nou. He invited me to watch him and some other people train. It was really fun and I can’t wait until they are playing the next match against Real Madrid.
I was so exited. Some time later I started to realize that I was in love. I couldn’t believe it.
I told everything to my brother. His name is Pedro González López and he is 20 years old. Pablo is also 18 years old as me. Pedro told me a good friend of him is coming over today so I stayed longer than expected. The doorbell rang. It was his friend. Pedro ran to the door,since he wanted to introduce me to him. Pedro told me to come down,so I came down and saw. Pablo!,I said loudly. He said:” wait what!? Nika?”,confused. Pedro just stand there and told me: ” Is this the Pablo you were talking about?”,i said yes. Pedro was in shock. I said:” what but how?”. They told me the whole story how they’ve met and how they’ve become friends. I said:” Pedro can you ask him abt you know what?”. He said yes. They talked about 30 minutes and when they came out Pedro was so happy. I said:” and?”. He said: “ask him”.
I asked pablo and this was his respond:” Nika Gónzalez López,will you be my girlfriend? I’ve loved you since the first day I’ve met you,you made me become myself again and you just make me the happiest person ever”. I was shocked and said: “Yes I will be your girlfriend!”. I started crying of how happy I was. I hug Pablo really tight. Pedro came to me and hugged me right for being so happy for the both of us. “Congratulations lovebirds”,he said. We both laughed. “I love you mi amor”,Pablo said. We lived since then together!-Nika Pecirep
© myself 2023-06-16