When you’re gone
I don’t wear my hair up
I flush the toilet all the way through
I leave the heat on as hot as I want
I sing as loudly as I desire
When you’re gone
I think of anyone but you
I imagine having a man in your bed
Rolling in the sheets with him
Where you’ve been with her
When you’re gone
I only make the tea I want
I’m free of you
I don’t pick up the hairs in the bathroom
I let my anger go where it wants to
When you’re gone
I’m perfect just the way I am
No insecurities
No regrets
I’m free to be who I want to be
Stay away
´cause I’m not strong enough
Not strong enough to always stay away from you
It’s the least
the very least you can do.
© Yaël Brunnert 2024-03-10