My winter miracle 1957

Franz Kellner

by Franz Kellner


This story was told to me by my mother – since I was 2 years old at the time and obviously couldn’t remember.

It was a cold, hard winter then – especially in Waldviertel (north of Austria) – in my home town Ottenschlag.

At that time there were two doctors in the village, which had about 1500 – 2000 inhabitants.

One doctor, where the Austrian state health insurance covered the costs, and a private doctor.

Although my mother, being a single parent, didn’t have much savings, she contacted the private doctor when I became ill.

Several children had pneumonia and had died, although the health insurance doctor had treated them.

This is not blaming that doctor. Maybe he didn’t have the medical options that a private doctor might had.

In any case, my mother had more confidence in the private doctor and was glad to accept the financial sacrifice. The doctor came and diagnosed me with double pneumonia – on both lungs, so to speak.

He did not recommend transport to the nearest hospital in the town of Zwettl, about 20 km away.

He obviously gave me a very good medicine and advised my mother and grandma, since my face was a bit blue, to carry me for the next 2 days and 2 nights, otherwise I might suffocate.

When my mother asked for the bill, he said, “Don’t worry, I’ll get my bills paid by those patients who have enough money.”

My mother and grandma took turns carrying me for the next 2 days and 2 nights. On the third day the worst was over.

Miracles do not have to be supernatural phenomena. They also happen when people with unconditional love do their best to help others.

© Franz Kellner 2023-01-26
