New beginnings

Jolanda Otto

by Jolanda Otto


New beginnings happen to all of us and when it is the start of something new, we usually ask what comes next. We maybe walk through the fields on a quiet morning when the fog lies on the grass like a thin blanket and the sun barely wakes up. We maybe sit at work with a tiny cup of coffee to warm our hands, watching through the window. Maybe we are not meant to close our eyes for a moment of calmness, wherein we can collect some strength to carry on. Or maybe we simply do not allow ourselves to take a breath-through. No matter what we do when new beginnings arrive, no matter whether they come silently and invisible or whether they are storming in like a raging fire, there will always be the same question that arises in our minds: What comes next?

We happen to forget that any new beginning is a process. New beginnings wind and bend, continue or walk in circles, maybe for only a small moment, maybe for a time that never seems to end. We are bound to walk ahead. We are bound to live our life in the change of times, in the rage of trouble and in the dance of blissful happiness. New beginnings make the dices roll for us again. Nobody can foresee if they decide to bring us happy times or troubled memories. Usually, they bring us both. Usually, we then find that our dices have never stopped rolling over and over again, until the hour of our days. No matter whether we decide for the new beginning or against, happy times appear likewise as trouble appears. But maybe when we decide for a new beginning in our lifetime, there is the hope of a small chance that we can place the dices in the palm of our hands, close them tightly around the dices, close our eyes and make a wish. Maybe in each and every one of us, there lives this hope that we have a chance to then change the pathway of destiny for us. For the better. For the happy times that will be ahead, may hold on, make us steady and strong for the trouble that may come, for whatever may come. Maybe as we let the dices go and watch them roll, we pray to gracefully be spared by never-ending sadness.

And as we open our eyes and carry on, we find the strength to breathe through and walk tall and blissfully through the process of a new beginning, once we refused to be tackled through the times of change, once we refused to have no saying in the times of future. Maybe then, when the day came, we found that we were simply not ready to answer the question of what comes next. We were not ready to understand that there might be a hope, a chance, a future that is only waiting for us to be decided for. What comes next depends on us. What comes next will be the chance to roll the dices for the dream that comes true.

© Jolanda Otto 2022-11-28