Dear 5-year-old me,
I’ve been dreaming about us. About this moment. About me hugging you, comforting you, telling you that you are safe and that I will never leave your side.
I’m sorry it took me so long. Will you forgive me?
I want to tell you everything!
These past years have been crazy.
We have lived in four different countries. Guatemala means family to us. Costa Rica is the place we call home. Spain was full of adventures. And, right now, we are living in Germany, our place to grow.
I took your advice and decided to become a veterinarian. Just three months left and it will be official!
We have met a lot of people through the years, all different and all perfect in their own way. Some of them only crossed our path to teach us an important lesson and then life took us in different directions. But we still cherish the memories and keep a warm place in our heart for them.
Our family keeps on being our center, our motor. You still admire your sister more than anyone else. We have been spending more time together and we finally have that bond you have been wishing for. And your parents love you more than you could ever imagine. They are proud of you, I can feel it. Our dad is our safe place, our mom is our home.
We have had some hard times in the darkness, I know you have always been scared of it. But we are so strong and so resilient, you would be amazed! We have always found our way out of those holes. And we even have people supporting us! Don’t tell them, but I believe they are angels disguised as friends and they love us as much as we love them.
I know sometimes you just want to stay in bed. Trust me, I get it. I get scared too. I wish we could stay under the blankets to protect us from the monsters. We feel safe hiding there. But there are times when we have to take a deep breath, get out and go fight those monsters. We protect ourselves. We save ourselves. And we have to do it together. I promise I will be holding your hand the entire time and when we come back home we can watch your favorite show. Sounds like a deal?
We are still figuring out a lot of things and many times I feel pretty lost. But in the meantime, I am finding out a lot about ourselves and remembering who we are. Still, sometimes I need an adultier adult, so let me know if you have the contact of our 80-year-old self!
I’m proud of you, my love. You are beautiful. You are strong. You are smart. You are worthy.
Thank you for never failing to motivate and encourage me.
I love you with all my heart,
Your 24-year-old self
© 2023-01-23