
Doan-Hoai-Thu Mai

by Doan-Hoai-Thu Mai


Since I have a very poor memory for names and faces, I decided to make notes about the souls I have met during my journey. Unfortunately, many of them were irretrievably lost due to my carelessness. As I started sorting through the remaining notes, I noticed many of them having the remarks that were not written by me. I daresay these were the very souls who spent the last minutes of their “life” with me.

“Michael. Being a medical student he always dreamed about becoming a pilot. His last wish was burning his white medical gown to scare his parents. Since they were very religious, he hoped they would take it as a sign not to send his younger brother to medical school.”

“Lara. She was unhappy throughout her life of 31 year. It took her too much time to think about the wish. When it was time to leave the human world, she decided to drink a cup of water. She wasn’t satisfied.”

“Sam. He asked me to bring him back to life. I refused. Then he asked for 3 more wishes (at least not an infinite number). After many ridiculous unrealistic wishes we decided to play a board game. Eventually he didn’t use the wish. I KNOW YOU HAD FUN WITH ME THOUGH!!! (FROM SAM)

“Kim. She died while driving to her daughter’s wedding. We chose together a basket of flowers and wrote a short congratulation to the wedding on the card (without writing down her name). Then it was left at the front door of her daughter’s house. i really hope she liked that flowers. thank you for helping me with the choice. kim.

“Olivia. She was pretty old and had hearing problems. Although as a spirit, she should have been able to hear me just fine. Either I just don’t know something, or she was pretending not to hear me.”

“Zack. He was a petty thief. After spending a couple of hours with him, I learned some stealing tricks. Don’t know where I would use them though. NOT PETTY BUT NOBLE.

“Amber. She had a fulfilling life. Her wish was quite simple to implement: set off the fireworks. Although before that she asked about killing a rapist. Amber was so gorgeous that all men and women were looking at her. The second I saw her I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She deserved all the jewelry in the world. How can such a perfect human being exist? Isn’t it a blessing to breathe the same air as her, to live with her on the same planet? Wow, I have no words to describe her. Wait, actually I know. A GODDESS.

“Mai. 24 hours a day wasn’t enough for her. Regretting that instead of living her best life, she slept all day, she wished -“

The last note was torn into two parts. Unfortunately, the second part wasn’t found.

© Doan-Hoai-Thu Mai 2023-09-01

Novels & Stories