Nurturing Growth

Adriana Csik

by Adriana Csik


How personal growth looks like

Open yourself up to the world
to fully experience life unfurled
love deeply, live boldly, laugh loudly
brave uncertainty with grace
and let it light up your face

When you stumble and fall
find the courage within you
to get back up and stand tall
face your fears with resilience
and you will come out a little stronger
and braver on the other side

Allow yourself to feel
all the emotions that arise
the good, the bad, the in-between
show up and let yourself be seen
be present and fully engaged
as you open yourself up to change

Being vulnerable means being human
alive in all our pains and joys
and if you dare to step into it
you can watch
           yourself grow


We are who we want to be limited only by our imagination.
We are who others need us to be limited only by social expectations.
We are most true to ourselves when we embrace our imperfections.
We are the sum of our experiences that lead us to our destination.
Our nature, our necessity, our quintessence is fellowship in the form of human connection.
Our very essence found in our relationships because our sense of self is not created in isolation.


I can’t remember ever being afraid of death. Maybe it’s the naivety of being young and full of life, thinking this vitality will last forever. I always thought that human life shines more brightly because we know that there’s an end to our beginning. Our very existence, a flickering light against an endless sea of darkness, clocked in oblivion. If we can cease to be in an instant, how can we not cherish and treasure the bewildering joys of humanity – from the fierce power of love, the overwhelming anguish of loss, eternal hopes and never-ending dreams, deep yearnings, omnipresent fears and paralyzing pains. It’s the duality of life and death that puts everything into perspective. Is what I thought until I held her fragile life in my hands as I pulled her close to me. I wish I could trade her fading flame for my own bright burst of life. At that moment, the power of love and prospect of loss wash over me and all I can think is that if I could disrupt the balance of life and death I would, for her. Confronted with the inevitability of the end I was left humbled by the humanity of death. Fear unknown to me gripped my pounding heart because I couldn’t imagine a world without my grandma to anchor me and guide me through my own lifetime. So I let this new fear be present as I dedicate my life to my loved ones and hold their memories close to me, in my quest to do the things that matter most to me.

© Adriana Csik 2023-08-08

Novels & Stories
Emotional, Hoffnungsvoll, Inspirierend