by Krimpi
Where we come from is not so clear
All we know is we are here
Whether we descended from the trees or came from outer space
Here on Earth is our place
We populate the planet from north to south and east to west
Moreover, we try to live life to its best
From day to day and year to year
With plenty ideas where to go from here
Wherever we go, we might not know yet
Going with the flow, then all is set
Going on our own we might consider more demanding
But the outcome might also be more rewarding
Chose the way that you think fits you best
Time and faith in your choice will do the rest
Like a young eagle finally leaving its parentâs nest
Going on your own, you might have to stand every now and then a test
You might end up somewhere no one else has come before
You might end up somewhere others want to go no more
On the other hand
People do not naturally tend to be a one-man band
Going with the flow, you get where everybody else is getting too
Once there, observe yourself and ask if this is really you
But life lets you revise the way you have chosen any time
You can change your decision whenever you realize this way is not mine
But whether you change your way or stick to the path you stay
Eventually, we all will individually end up in a common future either which way
© Krimpi 2023-02-21