Our beginning

Pauline Eichbaum

by Pauline Eichbaum


She was the one I loved.

He didn’t know how much time had passed since he had come up to the rooftop. The sun was long gone and passing clouds took away the light of the moon.
Yet there was one thing he was certain about: exactly 86 days had passed since he started this daily routine, the late nights and red eyes in the morning.

“You lost this round,” the girl next to him turned her head, following his gaze up to the sky. Looking at the stars that appeared briefly behind one cloud before another veiled them in darkness.

“I guess a promise is a promise after all.” He looked down, swirling the bottle in his hand before taking a sip,“You wanted to know my story, right? Won’t promise that you like it though, never been the biggest fan myself.”
He looked back up, wondering if he could reach the stars with his hand if he put his heart into it. If holding on to them, would let his wish come true – turning back time to the days when happiness had that one name.
“Love is a dangerous game. It can break you as easily as it heals you. Yet you never know which side will reveal itself to you.

For me, it started when I met her. Sitting in the corner of the café I rushed in to escape the rain. Something about her captivated me. Maybe the way she lit up the whole room. Filling it with a beautiful calm light.

The first time I met her she reminded me of the moon, bringing light to the darkness of my night. And I never knew that this girl would turn my life upside down. Leaving me breathless on the way.”

He was the one I loved.

They say you can never forget your first love. That some memories will always remain. No matter the time passed.

The first time I saw him he reminded me of the sun. Warm and bright, a small smile dancing on his lips, hair tousled by the rain and eyes shimmering in the light.
He didn’t need to do much to command the attention of the room. The moment he stepped through the door of the café, he had already captivated the crowd. Looks following him just to be turned away before he could meet them. Whispers too quiet to make out the words but loud enough to notice.

I still wonder why he decided to talk to me. Why he tried to make me laugh. Why he was set on being more than just a stranger.

Our first encounter wasn’t magical, but enough to create the first spark.
And at that moment I didn’t know that he would set ablaze the whole flame.

© Pauline Eichbaum 2023-09-22

Novels & Stories