by c31rig
March 3; 8:27 pm
Our cottage in the woods is a wonderful place. It’s right next to a calm pond in the middle of nowhere. At least, that’s how I want it to be, even though there is no one I can be with, yet. However, since life isn’t that easy, I’m stuck in this megacity with billions of people buzzing around everywhere at all times, just like bees in a hive. So now I lie on my bed with headphones on listening to my own songs which I hoped would bring some money, but they didn’t. Today my mom had the audacity to burst into my room scaring me to death, just to tell me that she’ll go out on a date. She’s already gone for several hours now, and I’m sure that she forgot about me. I think I’ll go for a walk now and guess I’ll be back in about 30 minutes. See you!
March 4; 12:13 am
Hey, I’m back again. Well it’s now past 12am, but that’s not the point. I FINALLY MET SOMEONE!!! He’s 17, only nine months older than me, tall, has brown hair that every so often falls him into his face, so he has to sweep it away again. AAA! And his eyes-OMG!!! I… I think I’m falling in love with him, don’t I? … Oh yeah right, you’re just a diary, you can’t answer. Anyway. We had such a great time walking through downtown and having some ice cream. I feel so comfy and warm around him, and I’m looking forward to meeting him again after school in only 15 hours! Howsoever I think I should sleep now… See ya!
March 18; 3:49 pm
Hey there. OMG! It’s been about two weeks now since I last wrote something down in here… Sorry. But sooo much happened, and I didn’t have any time to write! Okay so. Chronologically. First on March the 4th Sam and I officially became a couple! Then I came out to my mom, she supports me and Sam in every possible way… We went out in the forest every day after school and also shared our first kiss there-on a beautiful blooming meadow. We were so unbelievably happy. In 10 minutes he’ll come over here to my place. Moms out on a date again and Sam and I planned on cooking our favorite meal together.
9:21 pm
Hello Mathew’s diary, here’s Sam. Mathew already fell asleep, that’s why I’m writing now. Well…our lasagna night went a little bit different than expected ‘cuz we messed up really bad, but it still tasted great!
March 19; 3:06 am
Okay so…uhm… They found his dead…body. ON THE MEADOW WHERE WE ALWAYS WERE! I’m literally crying my soul out of my body. I can’t!
Now, again, I lie on my bed, listening to my own songs and thinking about our cottage in the woods.
© c31rig 2023-05-03