Our goodbye between cities

Alejandro C. Hidalgo

by Alejandro C. Hidalgo


Once again, we have to say goodbye, as I take my luggage and leave it in the trunk of the car.

We have lived a beautiful adventure in the winter nights, running through the streets of cities illuminated by artificial stars.

We felt our love captured in that golden painting while sharing an immortal kiss in a museum hall.

I can still feel the cold of your hands touching my cheeks, I can still taste the flavor of the white wine we enjoyed in front of that yellow palace full of mysteries.

Silver bracelets keep the memories of this city of art and history, and an apartment remembers our night of laughter accompanied by caresses.

Once again, we have to say goodbye while looking at the airport from the highway.

I remember that night full of madness and fun, dancing and laughing in the streets, enjoying our youth and the pleasures that life grants us.

We lived the nights to the fullest, in a city that hides the sadness of the past, with music in the streets and dances on rooftops.

Once again, we have to say goodbye, walking among the people who wave to their loved ones. A few minutes separate us from seeing ourselves reflected in their sadness.

My body still holds the memory of the exhaustion of running through the streets of the city of love. Even my eyes still sparkle from seeing you illuminated by stars from the lights of the steel tower. So radiant and bold, you have adopted the style of this city that hides the secrets of lovers and friends.

I can almost feel the unexpected rain that left us laughing out loud at our failed plan to enjoy wine and cheese in some garden paradise.

It’s our turn to say goodbye and my heart escapes from my chest, tears blind me, making it difficult for me to enjoy your beautiful face a little longer.

Your body sobs desperately in that last embrace that resents a goodbye.

From an airplane window I watch the dark sky as raindrops slowly crash against the glass. An immense desperation runs through me. I want to see you, I want to hug you, I want to kiss you and never let you go.

I ask the Universe to unite me with you once more, to unite our dreams and merge our desires.

A sigh and I open my eyes, I can see you sleeping next to me in our new home. Time has passed and the Universe has fulfilled our dream of walking down the same road.

Then I understand that now it’s just a good night, never again a goodbye.

© Alejandro C. Hidalgo 2022-08-29