The following is an account of the professional sessions that I, Fabricio Calleri, have conducted over the course of the last two weeks with the patients I have received in my office.
Before giving the corresponding disclaimers over the ethics regarding the written provision of my patients’ comments, revelations, and confessions, I believe it is only fair to provide the reader with a brief, as much as possible, biography of your humble servant and acting psychological professional.
As previously stated, my name is Fabricio Calleri, and I am the world’s first, and probably only, Behavioural-Freudian psychologist. I graduated from the University of Buenos Aires in the year 2021 and have been exercising this noble vocation for the last two years. During said a couple of turns around the Sun I have amassed a great deal of learning, probing into the minds of those who dared come to me, having brushed off their fears regarding my lack of experience. Those people, despite my logical blunders and varying degrees of success in my beginnings, I will always remember them as my real teachers.
I am fully aware of the raised eyebrows that my proclaimed academic description could provoke in my colleagues, as I merge what seem to be rather opposed schools of thought. But the greatness of an academic and a researcher, and in particular, of a psychologist is to be able to use the entire hardware store at his will. As everyone knows, there are no pure types, just means to an end. We, professionals, serve those who come with the courage to talk about their issues.
Thus, immediately after graduation, while assisting my first patients, I began my journey to synthesise the perfect combination of psychological thought in order to assist the patient lying on my couch. Course after course, I digested new ideas and observations. My brain grew fatter by the acquisition of knowledge. The fact that these courses were available on YouTube permitted my wallet to maintain its regular body mass. The sheer amount of resources on the internet a the disposal of the modern professional is staggering.
Regarding the promised disclaimers, I hereby solemnly guarantee that the identity of the people involved in these sessions, in which they voluntarily provided me with an insight into their anguish, obsessions, and moods, has not been compromised. I have switched around their surnames making them undistinguishable to those who would want to pry into their lives. The reader of these session accounts will notice, however, that I do engage in conversation with some patients about other patients. As I said, I have an entire hardware store of tools and ideas in order to help them best relieve themselves of their issues. Privacy, to me, is an inexcusably small price to pay on the road to recovery and psychological well-being.
Honestly, it is not usually the case that they happen to know each other or get to know each other later. It happened only once, and I did behave with the corresponding degree of reciprocity required towards those involved. Each was revealed approximately the same as the other. And, to my credit, they became a couple for a few weeks until irreconcilable differences separated them. But then, not my problem.
© Roger Garrett 2023-07-21