Perfect Night


by just_some_poetry_by_me


Every person has a different definition of a Perfect Night,

Yet there are stereotypes that lead us to making assumptions.

I’m a university student.

What do you picture my Perfect Night to be?

Drinking? Partying?

Well, at least that’s the most common answer, I guess.

Even some of my relatives, who should know me a bit better than strangers, might believe that.

Yet those who actually take the time to get to know me,

Know that it couldn’t be farther from the truth.

I don’t drink – never have,

And a large group of people just makes me uncomfortable.

I’ve been to a big party once in my life,

And all I wanted to do was to go home.

When I picture my Perfect Night,

I’m not surrounded by liquor or people grinding against each other.

In most of the scenarios I’m alone.

Maybe I’m reading a book or stories on the internet;

I might even be writing a story myself.

Other times I’m in my room,

Candlelight illuminating it as I lie on my bed singing my heart out,

Smiling to myself as I feel free in these moments.

Sometimes I might do something with my family,

Spending the night watching a movie or just talking about anything and everything.

And, occasionally, the Perfect Night just consists of letting myself cry,

Letting my frustration and exhaustion show

Instead of letting it consume me.

Some people might put you in specific boxes or drawers,

But only the people who truly care about you

Have the privilege of really knowing you.

© just_some_poetry_by_me 2022-03-22
