Pete – Alien 45


by noizybutpurple


Pete is one of the most dangerous criminals in town. Today he is on the lookout for his next big coup. As he walks around the museum, next to the police station, to search for an easy entry, a man and a strange-looking kid attract his attention. The man is in the company of a robot which constantly changes its colour. White, blue, yellow, green, red, purple and back to white. The child is standing not far from the robot and seems to be very fascinated by the changing colour of the robot. Suddenly the robot turns to the child and shouts: “Why the hell are you staring at me? Never seen a fabulous-looking robot like me?” And without warning, he pulls out a gun and aims at the child. “I’m Gwen, and your number is up, kido” The Kid smiles, starts running, ducks, and jumps on the back of the robot to switch it off. After switching it off, she opens his belly and breaks every cable she could find to make him the nice helping Gwen again who he usually is. Crazy Pete is impressed, and as he walks towards her, the little girl grabs the robot and disappears. Pete looks around, and it seems nobody, but he notices the girl and the robot. But Pete needs to focus. He has to steal the Black Widow painting tonight. But first, he needs a bite, so Pete goes to the pizzeria next to the museum and orders a large pizza and a Coke. Sitting at the first free table near a window, he takes a bite of his tuna pizza. “This is so good, ” he thinks, reaching after his coke. When the can touches his lips, he sees that girl again – without the robot. “That girl again, but without the robot. That’s strange”, he thinks, but moments later, she makes a turn and is out of his sight, so he continues eating his pizza. Pete finishes his meal and goes back to the museum. A sign of the little girl at the ticket office reads: “Wanted! Reeward 5000 MP!” Pete stares in disbelief at the sign: “Idiots – they spelt reward wrong”. Pete notices that security is tighter than usual as he enters the museum. He starts to feel nervous but reminds himself that he’s done this a hundred times. Walking towards the Black Widow painting, he hears footsteps behind him. He turns around and sees the same little girl from earlier standing just a few feet away. “You!” he hisses. “What are you doing here?” The girl smiles and says, “I’m here to stop you, Pete.” Pete laughs, thinking it’s a joke. But then he sees the determination in the girl’s eyes and realizes she’s serious. “You can’t stop me,” he says, reaching for his gun. But before he can even draw it, the little girl jumps at him with lightning-fast reflexes. She takes him down with a series of quick punches and kicks, leaving him lying on the ground in pain. As he struggles to get up, he sees the girl walking away with the robot beside her. As the police arrive, he realizes that he’s just been beaten by a little girl and a robot, and he can’t help but feel a little embarrassed. But then he remembered the reward for her capture and was confused. Why did she stop him and didn’t steal the painting for herself? Did the robot turn her to the good side again?

© noizybutpurple 2023-05-11

Science Fiction & Fantasy
Hopeful, Tense, Mysteriös