
Anja Malenšek

by Anja Malenšek


תל אביב Tel Aviv

The light on your beaches

is a farewell

taken in advance

looking westwards to the sun

that falls into the sea day after day

a sweet to-and-fro of your waves

where I emptied my pockets of expectations

as if there was no time between us

your endlessness, pigeon blue

sticks to the eyelids

for the dreams to be dreamt elsewhere


It’s always been words that got to me

No matter how much is done and lived and paid for in therapies

My bad poetry and your bad grammar

Redundant texts and missing commas

There is only enough room for fear

where you leave out punctuation

Nothing to hold onto

With   the spaces   you  typed    between     us


Vsaka solza je nov spomin, ki se dvigne k nebu

nov utrinek preteklosti


čez zlomljen jambor besed

© Anja Malenšek 2023-10-04

Novels & Stories