Poetry: Beware of the Big Bad Wolf.

Michi Braun

by Michi Braun


An old tale says, there’s a battle going on inside of us all:
It’s two wolves fighting: One good, one evil; both equally strong, both equally tall.

The evil wolf’s heart is raging with anger, envy, greed, ego, pride and jealousy
The good wolf is joy- and peaceful, kind and serene, a heart full of trust, love and empathy

You may ask yourself now, well – and which wolf will win?
The answer is simple: The one that you keep on feeding within.

The idea that came to my mind a lot recently
Is, that there lies a kind of beauty in a thing called self-fulfilling prophecy:

We all are aware that we can easily fuel the fire of our negative dark
But we got the same ability to bring a flame of positivity to life with just a single spark

So instead of climbing down the black ladders of our minds, focused on what could possibly fail
We can spread our wings, fly and head towards the sun, letting good energy prevail

No matter if you call it “mental mindset”, “cause and effect” or “manifestation”
Wherever you choose your thoughts to go to, energy will start to flow to – it all lies in the power of self-initiated creation

The goals that you set for yourself, your dreams, hopes and visions
You always have the choice which wolf you want to feed – it’s your life, so you’re in charge of your decisions.

© Michi Braun 2023-12-12

Spirituality, Self-help & Life support