The composition If My Skin Could Talk proved to be an arduous endeavor. Throughout the writing process, I found myself shedding countless tears, necessitating occasional breaks to regain composure. Before delving further, I feel compelled to issue a trigger warning, for within these short stories, one shall encounter vivid depictions of physical violence among other topics.
I wish to emphasize that my intention is not to lay blame or evoke excessive emotions; rather, I aspire to provoke introspection. These narratives invite contemplation regarding behavioral patterns and the immense impact of seemingly innocuous words when carelessly chosen. Moreover, I seek to bring attention to the privilege associated with being white.
To emphasize a shared connection of experiences with racism, I have deliberately capitalized the term »Black« in my book. Its usage transcends mere description of ethnicity or skin color, serving as an emblem of political self-empowerment for Black individuals.
Conversely, »white« remains in lowercase, representing a reference to social positioning within the broader context of a global power structure, as exemplified by Germany’s white-dominated social order. (Source: Aydemir, Fatma et al.(2020): Eure Heimat ist unser Albtraum. Ullstein Buchverlage, Berlin, 8th edition).
Considering terminology, I have been questioned on appropriate references for individuals with darker skin. Acceptable terms include »Black« and »BIPoC« (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color). On a personal level, I firmly disavow the term »colored«. Naturally, it goes without saying that the usage of the N-word is unequivocally unacceptable.
For me If My Skin Could Talk serves as a reflection of my past, my present, and lamentably, an apprehensive glimpse into my future.
As a Black woman, my daily existence is fraught with the specter of racism, microaggressions, colorism, and various forms of discrimination – an inescapable reality that spurred the necessity and significance of this literary work. My fervent belief is that this book’s message bears equal necessity and importance for me and the world.
© Brigitte Lunguieki Malungo 2023-09-14