by V_L_Archer
What comes after death? A question that a lot of people ask themselves, but at the same time are too terrified to have actually answered. But once we really die we’ll get the answer, whether we want it or not. However, no amount of religion class could have prepared me for this.
When I died none of my loved ones were waiting for me on the other side. Wherever or whatever âthe other sideâ is. But actually, it does have a name. The Otherworld. A realm that works just like the earth, but its citizens are dead souls from literally every realm that exists in the universe. That’s a lot of information to take in. First the part with the dead souls and then the fact, that there are other realms then just ours. But one thing after another.
After I died I met Terran, ruler of the Otherworld and actually a godly creature that created the Otherworld and therefore rules over it. He told me that I am here for a reason. And that reason is not simply because I died. The part of the Otherworld where I landed was a desert full of snow and coldness with a big mansion in the middle. It is where Terran and some demons, who’s jobs I still don’t fully understand, live. And once I found my way into the building I was introduced to my destiny, as Sinrin, another very friendly demon, sometimes likes to say while winking at me. And that destiny is called soul-keeper. A position that not just any person is suitable for. Supposedly I am, but the next problem is that humans are not very welcome in the mansion. One can imagine how happy the demons there were when I arrived. In fact, they were so happy that they put me in a cold dungeon with the intention to not let my go. I don’t know if they wanted to kill me but even if it was their intention, they failed, if only briefly.
At the end their attempt to get rid of me only made me want to stay more, ignoring all the things Iâve been through and the trauma of realising that I died. After all there were souls waiting for my help. And I truly want to help them, no matter the cost.
And that is where I am now. In a mansion in the Otherworld, dead at age 23 and trying to help traumatised souls to start a new life in a different realm. Don’t get me wrong, I am happy that I am somewhat still alive and grateful to help these souls, I’ve always had a helper syndrome, but I ask myself … who will help me?
© V_L_Archer 2023-05-06