Prologue – Introducing the Veerdenverse

Sandra Thies

by Sandra Thies


Two thousand years ago, the Sun Phoenix and the Moon Phoenix died in an atrocious combat. No one knows what happened on The Forsaken, once known as the glorious Phoenix Isle and headquarters of the phoenixes in the heart of Veerden, as most records have been lost over time. What remains are the legends about the struggle of power, which made the Sun Phoenix and the Moon Phoenix turn against each other.

The phoenixes, whose powers are incomparable to the powers of the common folk, are vital for the balance of nature. Whereas a tamer is able to manipulate the elemental energy of solely one of the four elements – fire, air, water, or earth – a phoenix is able to manipulate two of the four. The union of Sun and Moon is rumored to stop natural disasters, change climates, and redraw landscapes.

The myth of the phoenixes predicted that a new Sun Phoenix and a new Moon Phoenix would be born on the day of their demise. But despite their importance for the natural order of the world, no child had been taken to the Isle of Fire (home of the Sun Phoenix) or the Isle of Ice (home of the Moon Phoenix) in the years that followed.

As a result, the elements have been in terrible discrepancies. Large pieces of land have been swallowed by the sea. The elementary army has tried to strive against nature, but most fights have been lost. Forces of nature have raided Veerden repeatedly and erased billions of lives.

With the death of all eight heads of the four kingdoms, the line of succession became uncertain. As the new Sun Phoenix and the new Moon Phoenix remained missing, the leaders in waiting couldn’t be officially approved. Many wars have been fought between the four kingdoms of Veerden since, resulting in the allocation of the land into sixteen realms.

One thousand and five hundred years after the downfall of the old Sun Phoenix and the old Moon Phoenix, a boy was taken to the Isle of Ice, which was then renamed as the Isle of the Ice Phoenix. Another five years later, the return of the Moon Phoenix was permeated throughout Veerden.

The new Moon Phoenix, known everywhere as Suvraan Luan, proved himself as an aspiring leader. Once in control of his powers, he started stitching together what has been drifting apart for generations. But a burden of this size is an unearthly task for one man alone.

Centuries of imbalance have left their traces. To restore the natural balance of the world, the Moon needs a Sun to guide by his side. If the new Sun Phoenix doesn’t show up soon, however, Veerden will be lost forever.

© Sandra Thies 2023-09-19

Novels & Stories, Science Fiction & Fantasy