Chris Wright

by Chris Wright


… what I am most Furious about is that the real perpetrators go on unpunished the the sponsors the adjudicators and … and the victims of their own cupidity are the actual British public who voted for these gang of incompetent criminals and now they’re trying to tell us they are our heroes posing on Question Time as human beings and with one breath telling us to moderate our political language and with the next telling us billions of swarthy young men are trying to quotes break into Britain end quotes and they wonder why the national blood pressure is rising then the question changed to “are we a modern country having a monarchy” and obviously we’re not because we are an Island of idiots led by the idiot number one Tyrannosaurus Rex!

But on no he’s not in charge it’s a so called constitutional monarchy show me the damn constitution and I’ll believe it

You can’t

it doesn’t exist

that’s ok because we’ve all forgotten lady Di and the adultery and the mysterious notorious accident in inverted commas now Archbishops McVarious are going to run holy Vick VapoRub on his chest and that’s about to make it all better I don’t think so so and another thing what are those timeservers doing in the means of government

Bishops in the House of Lords it’s like having dandruff in the granulated sugar I suppose that’s something we’re not supposed to be having either because it’s not good for us because some scientists said it’s not something that’s going to be very healthy for us that’s up to us to decide and we can decide for our kids too

because we’ve got to have kids because you’ve got to keep the system going and the system won’t work if we don’t have slaves to it in a few years time

have I mentioned religion yet

And another thing don’t talk to me about word limits I’ll give you word limits I started as a poet and, and 100 words was plenty thank you very much that’s very generous but now been hanging around you novelists and now I can’t get my trousers off before 1200 words and another thing… the end

© Chris Wright 2023-04-13