by Finn Schmidt
Darkness. Nothing but darkness. It feels like something is squeezing around my neck until I cannot make a sound. That is how I feel right now. As if I am caged, trapped in a nightmare, unable to move or cry.
Every morning I wake up, get ready and go, forcing a smile. But when I come home, the smile falls, and the weight crushes me. Chores, family, growing up, and finding myself. I look in the mirror and see empty and tired eyes, the spark of joy long gone. Childhood dreams crushed. Pain and resentment fill these dull eyes, angry because of everything I had to endure. A sense of calm washes over me as a thought comes crashing into my mind.
The sweet relief of death. Red collects at my fingertips and slowly falls to the ground, staining the floor. All the negativity leaves my body.
Nothing but two hazel eyes occupy my mind: a soft nose and a tiny body with beautiful black and brown fur.
Milo. The only catalyst in my life. He was the only one who didn’t change, except for his fur, which slowly turned grey with time and age. Always by my side, no matter how angry, sad, or happy I was.
But no nose was pressing against my arms, no paw laying on my leg, no eyes staring into mine. He was gone, taken to never return to this world. His time on earth was up.
I feel my consciousness fading, dark spots dancing their last beautiful dance in my vision, my ears ringing, and the sounds slowly fading around me. I will see him again.
My eyes opened to a beautiful view, green grass and meadows full of colorful flowers. I hear barking in the distance, playful yips and yaps.
I stand up and walk through the tall grass and sunflowers, following the sound of more barking and panting. Standing on a hill, I look down and see the paradise I always pictured: Dogs, playing and sleeping, eating without care. A loud bark echoes through the meadow, and suddenly, a tiny body breaks free from the pack.
My eyes start to fill with tears.
His tiny body is running, full of youth and joy. There was no whimper or cry of pain while standing up and walking, pure joy in his little barks as his paws hit the ground.
I kneel, his body jumps into my open arms, and my body fills with happiness. Milo’s fur radiates youth, a beautiful glimmer in his eyes that I haven’t seen in such a long time. The tears fall down my cheeks, staining the black and brown fur.
It’s time to go now. I don’t know where to and why, but my body moves on its own. A rainbow shimmers into existence before our eyes, a bridge into Elysium. A place where Milo and I can live until the very end without worrying about death and sickness.
I look into his eyes, and we cross the Rainbow Bridge together.
© Finn Schmidt 2023-06-02