Real fake

Luca Rosner

by Luca Rosner


In its years in this environment, the young loggerhead sea turtle has already experienced a lot. Over time, many things change here, slowly but steadily.

She has never complained about immigration or emigration, which she believes is an observable phenomenon. After all, this is one of the main characteristics of the Gulf Stream, her current home.

According to legends, it used to flow faster than it does today. However, she considers these and other rumors to be pipedreams, wild theories, and visions of the future that exceed her lifespan many times over anyway.

She herself plans to return to her hatching site at some point. Not because ‘at home it is simply the most beautiful’, as the intrusive demonstrations would have her believe right now. Her intuition will simply tell her that the time has come.

Nevertheless, she is preoccupied by the increasingly loud cries, complaints and searches of the passers-by. Will her birthplace still exist when she is ready to seek it out?

She is well aware of the grievances in the sea, as she herself has been wearing a part of it around her neck since the beginning of her journey. However, she is not entirely interested in them. After all, she still lives with it. The descriptions of those colorful and colorfully mixed do-gooders seem exaggerated to her. What makes them experts? How much can these young vegetables know, let alone guess? They all have no idea of the world and its interrelationships anyway.

Soothing words to be able to fall asleep halfway calm at night when the demos slowly dissipate.

“Hey, hawksbill turtle!”, she is finally roused from her dozy slumber, “don’t you have anything to say about that?” Incredulous, she checks from above. What the creature next to her wants to represent, the turtle cannot know. Plankton, perhaps.

So small, she feels as if her conscience is speaking to her. “Fake”, she replies tersely and as curtly as possible, so that she may regain her composure. “You look pretty real, though, if you ask me”, the little dot in the ocean snubs her. Yes, she hears that often. She is already used to this confusion.

© Luca Rosner 2022-10-28