by Ned Taufik
No day passed me by
Without the haze in my head
And my whole body is confused
Of what’s real anymore
And there’s too much happening
But there’s too little to see
But it feels like a lot
But why can’t I pat my own shoulders
Because I did this
Because I lived
And if I could
I would pat your shoulders too
Because you made me realize
That I am still alive
Because your love thrusted dimensions
Reached me
When I was already numb
You picked me up
Warmed me up
And I’m still tearing up
As I was so cold
But you broke my ice
That even I didn’t know was there
And you made it real
Everything I thought was fake
Because I was stuck in a game
Of thoughts and strategies
I killed my own heart
Until you showed me yours
And it made mine beat again
Faster than it ever had
And it is still unreal
How you were by my side
All of this time
And how I only began to see you
Right now
And life began to feel real again
© Ned Taufik 2024-01-29