

by ajo



I wish to be a bird…

I want to open my wings

and feel the air stroking my feathers,

as I start to fly into the sky…

I want to fly so high and so wide…

that I am getting tired of being free…

I want to fly and see everything,

 so that my desire to escape, will eventually left me… 

And I believe, that if I fly often enough…

I will give up to search for you in the stars.


If there is pain now, there was joy once…

and if I felt lonely now, it’s just the proof that you was mine once… 

and how can I be sad, if I should be grateful that our paths crossed…

and how can I grief, when I have the memory of your laughter forever in my heart.

How ungrateful of me, that I still search for you wherever I go… 

if it’s so clear for everyone… 

that you never left my heart.


in order to heal… 

we must realize that we are broken.

How did we broke? How did we live in hell without realizing?

What are our flames?

What did burn our flesh away?

How long did it take till our bones did crumble?

Why did we stay for so long in the fire?

In order to heal… 

we need answers.

© ajo 2023-09-06
