
Sina Buitkamp

by Sina Buitkamp


I don’t even remember the sound of your voice, yet I feel a wondrous connection between us.

I lost you and sometimes I wish I never did.

The first person I lost was someone who was close and far away at the same time. The pain of that loss is infinite, yet I can’t define it. I lost her forever and that still scares me. The second person I lost was a young friend. Years ago, memories already fading, it all happened kind of natural and didn’t leave any scars.

But then I started to lose you. A simple stupid thing as the reason for everything to break apart. Unfortunate? Maybe. I used to blame only myself. Now I know we’ve grown apart because it was inevitable. Again, it was the natural thing to happen, even though I didn’t want to accept it for a long time.

I still dread the feeling of loss because in the moment, it’s the worst. But there will be someone after you, and perhaps even someone after them and I will have learnt my lessons every time and grown as a person.

not one day is passing by without me wishing you to be here. you could’ve made the difference in my life that I’m yearning for.

self-aware, I’m putting my hope and my disappointment in a pointless wish, ’cause you’re gone, and all I can do is keep your memory alive.

© Sina Buitkamp 2023-08-29

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