Rita and the land of love

Irene Senatore

by Irene Senatore


Rita’s eyes are wide open –

The contact lenses make them look bigger.

She drags her oversize blazer along as a carpet

In the middle of an eight-lane road

Her curls are the silhouettes of her thousand


Rita is traveling to India

While having sex with you

One of these nights when she lets herself go

Like a wave of frozen dark energy;

A giant neon sign points to her mind

Slightly closed-eyes

Far away mirages of happiness

The closest feeling of a never-ending

Break from life

The closest to tears you’ll ever get

While feeling nothing but good.

Rita chose many years ago

To get rid of that half-lost expression

To get rid of that almost bad mood

Her mother always carried.

She settled into a land made of straight lines

And large geometrical patches of full color:

She is still working there

With her messy hair and her yet to be found love.

© Irene Senatore 2023-08-14

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